One On One Coaching

Today is the day we begin a new journey!

I have a unique ability to combine therapy, meditation and exercise to create a practical approach to change.  Let's start this new journey in your life by working together.

Are you looking for inspiration in your life? I have just what you are looking for. I will work with you to develop a positive plan with detailed steps to guide you day by day. I believe we can all be happy and bring joy into the world despite the struggles that may come our way.

I work with people who want to be active in life and make the world a better place by starting with changing their own lives. I focus on using meditation, positive affirmations, and letting go of limiting beliefs.

I have worked in the world of psychology for the last 15 years and am a licensed marriage and family counselor (LMFT). I specialize in helping individuals move beyond addiction, trauma, self destructive and self limiting behavior to a more fulfilling life. I focus on daily movement, using positive energy, and a holistic approach to mindfulness and joy.

I believe that you know what you need to do to be happy. I will inspire you to create the life you dream of into your reality and watch the miracle unfold.

"Miracles happen every day. Not just in remote country villages or at holy sites halfway across the globe, but here, in our own lives!" -Deepak Chopra

To schedule an appointment, click on the pictures by each description on the one on one sessions page.
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Where To Begin image
The Miracle Question

Imagine you woke up in the morning and a miracle had occurred in your life. Look around your room, reflect on how you feel both physically and emotionally. What would you want to be different in your life but believe could never happen? The answer to this question is where we begin our journey. Maybe the answer is very clear to you. Maybe it is something we need to discuss. Whatever your answer to the miracle question, this is where your journey of growth begins.

How this happens is going to vary greatly from person to person. We all have different goals. It may be dealing realistically with an addiction. It may be letting go of a family of origin issue. It may be something very straight forward like wanting to exercise more and feel better on a regular basis. Whatever the goal, believe in the miracle. The journey of a 1,000 miles begins with the first step. I will help you take that first step.

We will start with setting goals that revolve around sleep habits, healthy eating, exercise, realistic financial management, exploring what spirituality means, and daily mental health exercises. These will be your personal goals. This is your journey. We will make this practical and realistic. We will promote change. This is about taking that first step.

Let's discover how we can make positive change together!

Prepare to approach life with inspiration NOW!
I'm Stuck image
I often hear people say,  "I just feel stuck."  I am trained in using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and often times this can be the tool to help an individual work though that feeling of being stuck!  Stuck is a difficult place to be.  EMDR may be what helps you to move beyond stuck.  Though we are not doing traditional therapy, I am a licensed therapist, and sometimes therapeutic tools can help unlock that potential inside!

Have you ever struggled with a nagging insecurity that you couldn't shake? Sometimes no matter how many times you try to talk yourself out of it, the truth just doesn't feel true. "I'm not good enough, " or "I'm not safe", "I'm worthless", "I'm helpless," and "It's my fault," are just a few of the common insecurities that many of us struggle with day in and day out, like heavy packs strapped to our back. Often times, these insecurities develop when we're young, and continue to grow into adulthood as our deepest fears are reinforced over time. The lies feel true because when we experience trauma, memories are literally stored in our brains in a way that is cut off from our more mature, adult perspective. Thankfully, there is a therapy called EMDR that can provide healing from our emotional wounds and free us to live the lives we intend to live.

The negative emotions connected to our past tend to be so uncomfortable that many of us compartmentalize the memories so we don't have to deal with them. Avoidance works, for a while. Addiction can be a very quick relief, for a while. Eventually the old hurts catch up with us and when this happens it's common to self-medicate them through addictive substances, compulsive behaviors, or emotional numbness. Thankfully, with EMDR we don't just stir up painful memories and then send you home. In a EMDR therapy session, painful memories and the emotions that are attached to them finally come out so that they can be desensitized and calmed down permanently. As the body begins to relax, a more truthful, adult perspective is able to link in to the memory and reshape it. With EMDR, and new healthy tools to positive living, the natural healthy capacity of our brains is unlocked to create new neural networks, new insights, and lasting change.

After EMDR, someone who was abused or neglected as a child can think about the worst of it and feel a sense of calm inside. They can finally say, "I was just a kid, and it's just not my fault." After EMDR, the military veteran, assault victim, or accident survivor can feel the same sense of peace and perspective. They can finally say and believe, "I'm safe now," "It's over, " or "I did the best that I could." If you have suffered physical, sexual, spiritual, or emotional abuse, grew up in a family system of shame of neglect, have not been able to fully grieve the loss of a loved one, or have survived an event you experienced to be traumatic, EMDR therapy may be helpful in your process of healing.

Mistaken beliefs in our core values can be held at a subconscious level in our brain and EMDR can open up and let go of these when talk therapy has struggled to release limiting beliefs.

Incorporating healthy living skills will be a huge part of the recovery process. If you have done the therapy but not set those daily healthy living strategies in place, let me have the honor to guide you in your next step.

If this all scares the hell out of you and sounds like way too much, I will take baby steps with you. I will meet you where you are at. The process cannot start however, if you don't take that step to reach out to me. I will be here for you when you are ready.

Let the journey begin one day at a time!

For more information about EMDR:
  • 8507 Westmoreland Lane, Minneapolis, MN, USA

I have been in recovery for 18 years. I have been married to my lovely wife for 34 years. I have three kids that are all out in the world and I am recently an empty nester. I have worked as a therapist, public speaker and stay at home dad and whatever I do I try to bring a positive attitude to people I interact with. Let's talk!